1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 | FORM zurueckholen. |
7 | |
8 | DATA: number_of_ign_entr TYPE i, key_safe TYPE tabl1024, |
9 | z_ign_entr_ex(1) TYPE c, z_specmode_safe(1) TYPE c. |
10 | |
11 | IF status-action NE aendern OR status-delete NE geloescht. |
12 | MESSAGE i001(sv). |
13 | EXIT. |
14 | ENDIF. |
15 | CLEAR counter. z_specmode_safe = vim_special_mode. |
16 | vim_special_mode = vim_undelete. |
17 | IF status-mode EQ detail_bild. |
18 | MOVE <xmark> TO deta_mark_safe. |
19 | IF x_header-delmdtflag NE space. |
20 | PERFORM check_if_entry_is_to_display USING 'L' <vim_xextract_key> |
21 | space <vim_begdate>. |
22 | number_of_ign_entr = sy-subrc. |
23 | key_safe = <vim_xextract_key>. |
24 | ENDIF. |
25 |
26 | IF x_header-delmdtflag EQ space OR number_of_ign_entr LT 8. |
27 | READ TABLE extract INDEX nextline. |
28 | ELSE. |
29 | READ TABLE total WITH KEY key_safe BINARY SEARCH. |
30 | extract = total. |
31 | ENDIF. |
32 | ENDIF. |
33 | IF x_header-frm_bf_udl NE space. |
34 | PERFORM (x_header-frm_bf_udl) IN PROGRAM (sy-repid). |
35 | ENDIF. |
36 | IF vim_called_by_cluster NE space. |
37 | PERFORM vim_store_state_info. |
40 | view_name = x_header-viewname |
41 | status_mode = status-mode |
42 | workarea = extract |
43 | no_dialog = vim_external_mode |
45 | ign_entries_exist = z_ign_entr_ex. |
46 | IF z_ign_entr_ex NE space. |
47 | ignored_entries_exist = z_ign_entr_ex. |
48 | ENDIF. |
49 | ENDIF. |
50 | IF status-mode EQ list_bild. |
51 | PERFORM liste_zurueckholen. |
52 | ELSE. |
53 | IF <xmark> NE uebergehen. |
54 | PERFORM detail_zurueckholen. |
55 | ENDIF. |
56 | ENDIF. |
57 | IF replace_mode NE space AND counter EQ 0. |
58 | function = ok_code = 'IGN '. |
59 | ENDIF. |
60 | IF x_header-frm_af_udl NE space. |
61 | PERFORM (x_header-frm_af_udl) IN PROGRAM (sy-repid). |
62 | ELSE. |
63 | IF ignored_entries_exist NE space. |
64 | PERFORM mark_ignored_entries CHANGING number_of_ign_entr. |
65 | IF replace_mode EQ space. |
66 | IF number_of_ign_entr EQ 1. |
67 | MESSAGE s113(sv). "Eintrag konnte nicht zurückgeholt werden |
68 | ELSEIF number_of_ign_entr GT 1. |
69 | MESSAGE s114(sv) WITH number_of_ign_entr. |
70 | ENDIF. |
71 | ENDIF. |
72 | ENDIF. |
73 | ENDIF. |
74 |
75 | vim_special_mode = z_specmode_safe. |